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Everything posted by Felipebt25

  1. 55k by @Xvicroger
  2. 50k by @Enokida
  3. - auction silver Epic trash gible -start auction: 50k -min bid 5k -accept rc 7k rr 600k cc 350k bms 160k natrr 350k -duration: 1day after first bid -gl people - WINNER: @Archieengine
  4. 400k by @Segaaa21
  5. Start auction by @Hack00 300k
  6. Auction: Silver Server -Pkm: Houndoom -Accept offers here or InGame (Felipebt25) -Starting offer: 200k -Min bid: 50k -Accept rc 7k, cc 350k, natrr 300k, rr 600k, bms 160k -Insta Buy: No insta -Duration: 2 days after first bid -Gl people people
  7. Auction: Silver Server -Pkm: Serperior lvl 100 trained -Accept offers here or InGame (Felipebt25) -Starting offer: 500k -Accept: cc350k rr600k rc7k Naturr300k mount150k shinymount300k tools250k -Min bid: 100k -Insta Buy: 6M -Duration: end on Wednesday at 23.59h pm (38h) -Gl people
  8. @Bollimies come on Bro
  9. @Bollimiesplease bro, I wan't any problems
  10. @Bollimies come on Bro, come quickly
  11. @Bollimies call me at silver Server pls
  12. Winner @Bollimies
  13. Q25 was right, only cash in this auction bro.
  14. Yes, 350k each
  15. 1m by @Hannibalplh
  16. 600k by @Segaaa21
  17. Sry, someone said 500k first in gane
  18. 500k by @Chucknash
  19. 400k by cleonedante
  20. Omnilboro77 start the auction with 300k
  21. -Auction: Silver Server -Pkm: Shiny Anorith -Accept offers here or InGame (Felipebt25) -Starting offer: 300k -Min bid: 50k -Insta Buy: 3M -Duration: 2 days after first bid -Gl people
  22. 1,3m Titanmaster
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