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Everything posted by Blueciferr

  1. Being unable to hunt on multiple accounts when I play all manually is completely unfair I will be quitting pro due to this, since announcement I have switched games to a much larger player base game and they have no such rule, this game is about grinding and yet you are punishing the hardest grinders good luck I guess peace out pro I’ve heard yous have made this decision based on other mmos but considering your biggest competitor with a daily player base more than gold and silver combined has no rule perhaps you are looking at wrong games, maybe that’s why it never goes over 1k here. I’m out
  2. Thank you @Fusionflair
  3. Unfortunately due to new merge rules pro has been ruined imo, so I am quitting I may occasionally log in as a side task but my pro days are mostly behind me if these new rules stick. Goodbye all good luck have fun
  4. Hello, I think if we could lock the hot bar to prevent moving/removing items it would be helpful. A feature where we could toggle lock on or off
  5. Hello @Yellow, I came up with a rough draft and wanted to seek your opinion. Thank you, Rules rough draft Please note this is hosted at my own risk as well as yours if you enter, Pro staff will not get involved assuming another existing rule is not broken . If a lottery is started i guarantee the capital for jackpot, if it will be doubled next week must be advertised in last lottery, If not advertised jackpot will remain the same or may be placed on temporary hold so I can rebuild funds. Any started or advertised lotteries must be completed in full(all winners payed depending division) if there is 1 or more division 1 winner jackpot will be reset to 5m. Jackpot must be clearly stated as well as start time, end time and draw time *if an emergency happens and I must delay draw I will notify/complete as soon as possible. The same number may not be drawn twice if this occurs that second number is voided an a new one will be drawn. 1 entry allows the choice of 6 numbers +2 supplementary numbers, Please note main numbers will always be drawn first followed by supplementary numbers, Numbers must be between 1-45, 1 entry costs 50k, 2 costs 95k, 3 costs 140k, 4 costs 185k, 5 costs 220k, maximum 50 entries per account (alts allowed)but deals only go this high, however can stack example 10 entries would be 5*2 so 440k. Entries must be payed up front and numbers accepted, to contact me you may do so on forum or in game to arrange payment and numbers confirmation, Screenshots must be provided on thread by me of all trades and communication including winning prizes and entries/number confirmation. Entries close 3 hours before draw, total length is 7 days from start to draw. All numbers are randomly generated and an announcement/screenshot will be posted on thread as well as a screen capture proving time/date as well as 1 draw and numbers will be uploaded on YouTube, in future if I receive stream approval and equipment this will change to a live stream. YouTube, @blueciferrr, link: https://m.youtube.com/@Blueciferrr, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwXCdvmJuK3LRsFHgrYWuA *Division 1 can only be won with main numbers not supplementary. Division 1, 6 winning numbers, 100% of jackpot if 2 or more winners it will be divided evenly. Division 2, 5 winning numbers +1 supplementary number, 10% of jackpot value. Division 3, 5 winning numbers, 5% of jackpot value. Division 4, 4 winning numbers 2.5% of jackpot value. Division 5, 3 winning numbers +1 supplementary number, 1% of jackpot value. Division 6, 3 winning numbers, 0.5% of jackpot value.
  6. Thank you very much for timely assistance, I will certainly do so once I have a draft made up and thank you for the tips.
  7. Hello, I had an idea for an event/service hosted by myself not sure if would be allowed so am checking here, I was wondering if a lottery type thing would be allowed with a cash jackpot up for grabs 5m+ potentially doubling weekly if no division 1 winner. If allowed all rules would be clearly stated and everything would be as clear as possible. Thank you for your time
  8. I offer 12m
  9. Squirtle finished sold for 500k to Snowbelll
  10. Bulbasaur finished sold for 700k to Snowbell charmander finished sold for 250k to Daworker
  11. Elekid finished sold for 400k to Laviter
  12. Bump less than 12 hrs remain on all
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