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Abhi9797 last won the day on November 21 2023

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Its seem no one interested can this topic be closed.
  2. ok thanks first time doing auction didnt know much.
  3. start : 150k min. bid : 20k insta :1m 72 hours after the 1st bid accept item: -Rc 6k
  4. i want to buy exp boost in gold server tell me price.
  5. My game is not opening i re-downloaded and open it 3-4 times and i block antivirus also and i added parameters also in target zone then also my game not launching.
  6. as the title suggest i wanted to suggest a shiny and form button in pc , because its too hard to find shinies and forms among 1000 pokemons and there are many that we forget about but if there will be a button for it in pc then we can see all of them . please tell me if you like the idea : )
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