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  1. Added a few new pokemon
  2. Calm tent sold to king194. Thank you for shopping come on back
  3. @Abdussayeb007 discord is messing up could you pm in game?
  4. Ign:tatt00edw0mbat Discord: tattedw0mbat#9123 Accepted payments:pokedollers,cc(380k)bms(180k) rare candy(8k) nature rerolls(275k) All prices are negotiable! Enjoy my shop everyone:) prices listed on pokemon:)
  5. 300k right now?
  6. Charizard the timid one with solar power can you get ahold of me in game at tatt00edw0mbat
  7. Still have any?
  8. Meet with pureheart now. Will update when sold
  9. Started 9:30gmt at 4m by asuracrying00 auction ends in 3 days on Feb. 12th
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