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  1. Trash or anything as long as its is shiny
  2. wtb shiny or forms shupet - psyduck - wtb ada molde breaker Pancham
  3. wtb shiny or forms shupet - psyduck - wtb ada molde breaker Pancham
  4. Start offer: 450k Min raise: 50k - Insta: 750k Duration: 24hrs after first bid Accept: Coin Capsule: 350k Reroll Ticket: 550k
  5. Start offer: 800k Min raise: 50k Insta: 1mDuration: 24hrs after first bid
  6. Start offer: 150k Min raise: 50k Insta: 300k Duration: 24hrs after first bid
  7. Start 1m5 Min Bid 100k Insta 3m 48h after the first bid Accept CC = 350k - IV REROLL = 550k
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