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About Astraroyal

  • Birthday 06/29/2001

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  1. Untrained H.P - Psychic Duration- 24hrs after first bid Starting bid- 15k Will DM winner after auction
  2. 1. AstraRoyal 2. 26hrs (as of post) 3. I have 3; Umbreon, Darkrai, Giratina 4. Anything PvE 5. Playing Pokemon for 16yrs 6. Butterscotch or Caramel
  3. Looking for an active guild, more on the PvE side of things. I am on the newer side with this game (Only have 14-16hrs of playtime), but been a lot more active as of lately compared to when I first began, so if you don't mind a newer player amongst your ranks, I'd love to join!
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