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  1. You will get friend request by name MaG in discord come there pls
  2. Hey sorry to disturb but it might be a silly thing but I couldn't understand how to evolve my kadabra and haunter by trading could you please elaborate it to me cuz i searched about it but still confused and sorry for disturbance
  3. Hello sir/mam I just wanna know why can't my raichu learns any new moves it only has one move thunder shock and I have not cancelled things when fine wanna learn your Pokemon this move I am confused cuz my riachu is of level 38 it should get some moves to use can u enlighten me what wrong thing I am doing
  4. Alright thanks for the fast responses i really appreciate your help
  5. Ahh but why I had to fight Jackson 5 times and game stopping again and again
  6. Hello sir/mam I made previous form without any images but I making this one with image and different problem now I can even enter the gate as it signs me as intruder in casino there is no way i could complete this work pls let me know what I can do image is below
  7. Thanks for the information it really helped me
  8. Hello sir/mam I hereby wanna tell you that in casino where I have to go to 2nd floor and have to fight Jason as he comes in path i have fighted him there atleast 5 times but my game get closed by itself and when i return I have fight him again I have wasted a lot of time pls look into the matter as I have been wasted my 20mins on same battel
  9. Hello sir/mam, I just wanna ask you that I am not able to get out of the viradian city tried everything possible but nothing is happening am i doing anything wrong if so please I would like if you state it cuz I am a new player and sorry for the inconvenience from my side Regards, MAG69
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