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  1. Wtb totodile pm me in game
  2. I will find several times but there are no more spirit ( poke balls ) . Help me to enter
  3. Boom shop !WELCOME TO OUR UNIQUE POKEMON SHOP! you can offer only because w dont know the original price who will offer maximium and satisfy will get that pokemon we are selling here event /shiny /pink pokemon /items auction pokemon link SUMMER EVENT POKEMON (ON) HALLOWEEN EVENT POKEMON (-) CHRISTMAS EVENT POKEMON (-) SHINY POKEMON (on) PVPABLE POKEMON Boss team for lend all service link here Items Berrys
  4. 1. This is my first time hype here 2. draganite and blaziken 3. Don't put old skin instead of that put new skin ( and look very creative) 4. Want new map for Halloween same map can bore and spawn all fossil pokemon 5. Want halloween competition like racing event in summer
  5. Serpirior 110k
  6. wtb trash venipede h.a kanto pm
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