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Everything posted by Sirchancelot

  1. @Pinkdred You won the pawniard. Message me ingame at your earliest convinience.
  2. Start price: 3m Duration: 72hrs after start Min bid: 100k Accepted payments: Cash CC (400k) IV Reroll (500k)
  3. Start price: 500k Duration: 48hrs after start Min bid: 100k Accepted payments: Cash CC (400k) IV Reroll (500k)
  4. 1.5m
  5. 1m
  6. 800k
  7. I'm about 70% sure, based on my own anecdote and the experience of my friends, that if you have a sync fainted and you put that fainted sync in a box and then take it out that it not longer syncs until you revive it and faint it again. Replication: Faint sync Put fainted sync in PC box Take Sync out Sync doesnt work Seemingly fixed upon revive and fainting the pokemon again. I could just be crazy but I'm pretty sure this is prevalent. Also if this is a known issue then I didnt know what to search. I searched a couple things looking for a similar issue.
  8. The name for the nature reroll ticket is quite misleading so all chat brainstormed a couple new names for it over the last week or so. The name I think we landed on as a whole was "Super Ultra Mega Premium Nature Selection Ticket For Legendaries Only". That being Said I think we'd be comfortable settling with "Nature Selection Ticket"
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