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Everything posted by Unbannedme

  1. I don't want Kyurem to be banned Although Kyurem is a strong Pokémon with a difficult-to-handle moveset, I believe it still has certain weaknesses that prevent it from completely dominating the metagame. Here are a few reasons why Kyurem should not be banned: 1.Major Weaknesses: Stealth Rock and Speed(base 95). 2.Reasonable Counterplay Exists: M-Scicor,M-Metagross,M-Lopunny,... etc. 3.Not Overwhelming the Metagame: +Kyurem pressures teambuilding, but it is not unmanageable in battle. Common Pokémon like Mega Lopunny, Mega Scizor, and balanced bulky offense cores can keep it in check. +Future Sight users like Slowking make it difficult for Kyurem to safely use Substitute repeatedly. In conclusion, I think Kyurem is a big threat but not so much that it's impossible to deal with. Keeping it in the metagame would make PvP more interesting, rather than removing it.
  2. @Nhokpies win Growlithe 104k Buizel 224k @Laviter win Swinsub 101k . Pm me !
  3. u onl now ?
  4. @Nxtaryan won gible @Douglasthames won aniihilape pm me
  5. Not a Bundle Acution Start Price: 50k each End Point: 14 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: N/a Minimum Raise: 50k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 550k)
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