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Everything posted by Sinistros

  1. Pupplez you win gz you can claim your poke in game now
  2. 100k
  3. Auction will end at 17h10 gmt 1 until someone offer last 15 minutes so the 15 minutes rule going to be active.
  4. Auction will end 24h after first bid Start with 500k Min bid 100k Accepted payments : CC 400k each and IV Reroll 500k each No insta
  5. 500k
  6. 100k wooper
  7. 300k marill
  8. 50k wooper 250k marill
  9. 20k wooper 20k marill
  10. Hey you win gz you can pm me in Game sinistros
  11. 15 minutes rule is active
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