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  1. THANK YOU! Thanks, thats works 100 % can be closed
  2. *push* Come on, I just need to know where the configuration (full screen mode / windowed mode) is stored (the file where this setting is saved) it can't be that no one fron the staff knows this...
  3. I unpacked the game, logged in and walked the first few meters in the game. Then, to test, I changed the display mode from full to windowed mode. Since then the game crashes (immediately after opening the game), even unpacking a fresh game file doesn't help. I looked in the forum but didn't find anything suitable for the solution except a 404 link I bet there is a config file saved somewhere outside of this unzipped folder, because my login data remain saved, even though they are fresh game files that have been unpacked. If I could find those and delete them, it would certainly work again. That would also explain why fresh, unpacked folders continue to cause this error System: Windows 11 Game version: 64-bit Patch version: not possible because crashing immediately after start, but the last version of download Path: F:\Big Downloads\PROClient_64 Debug: C:\Users\Maverick\AppData\Local\Temp\PROTeam\PROClient\[many crash reports].dmp no ClientPatcher.exe (where should this be found?) Attempted problem solving re-downloaded fresh game files not work: The crash persists despite the new and unpacked data, also my login but why?! Clear out cache to solve this problem not work: cleared the cache with windows tools, and a fresh start (not a normal reboot) and re-download all files check firewall and av programs not work: both systems were completely shut down to rule out data manipulation check compatibility mode not work: made no difference if run on windows 8 or 7 compatibility mode update check not work: all components are up to date, but it's not really relevant either, it didn't work anymore from the point in time when it was switched to window mode ingame extract game data with another extractor like 7-zip not work: made no difference if windows tool or 7-zip / winrar You really made me try the CCleaner, because without support you really try everything... not work: made no difference if windows tool or ccleaner, my login details are still saved, where the hell is this file? Resources Used: Windows 10 crash fix [Windows] Problems with the patcher READ THIS BEFORE MAKING A SUPPORT TOPIC! (maybe I missed something, but otherwise I'm done...) --------------- In order for me to be able to solve this problem, I probably just need to know where the login data is stored. Because that has to be the same place where the windowed mode settings are saved (config file), because both things persist across new game data
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