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Everything posted by Druiflozepit1

  1. Hello everyone, I'm looking for an active guild that is willing to accept a less experienced player. I have played for 150 hours so far. I am 34 years old and from Belgium. Currently, I am working on building a starter team to defeat bosses. In the future, I would like to become a PvP player. I am active on Discord. I can read English well, but sometimes I may struggle with typing (then I use a translator). I hope there's a guild where I would be welcome.
  2. 350 k scyther
  3. 250 k scyther
  4. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Druidlozepit 2. Number of hours played? 135 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Charmander 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Random but the most thing is to learn a good pvp player 5. How long have you been playing Pokemon? (Optional) i am 34 and play pokemong from the begining difirend games. 6. Favorite ice cream flavor. (Optional) vanille
  5. Are there dutch guild's in silver ?
  6. Hello. How many time have a buyer after the auction is done to collect the pokemon ?
  7. the auction is over !!!
  8. S.o : 400 k Min Bid. : 25 k Auction Ends 24 hours after 1st Bid Accepted Payments: Pokedollars coin capsulle
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