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  1. I would like to buy ghost outfit 15
  2. I would like to buy these two of they were still available https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/uploads/monthly_2024_09/image.png.7ce64e00b3a479d13494b81bd28f2349.png https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/uploads/monthly_2024_09/image.png.6c568f7deac5dc7debdae08f5db7dc72.png
  3. 31K shellder
  4. price of this timber?
  5. 21k for Magn
  6. i will buy it
  7. Sry I change my mind of buying that alakazam
  8. I buy 2 pokes from 100k each set Mimikyu lev25 female 29 att and 29 spd AND noibat lev24 male 27 spd and 25 spatt
  9. @Hawsspot congrats that u won frist of all and sorry that i changed So, btw Can we meet in the port?
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