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Everything posted by Gutkashooter

  1. Wtb this ty , I'm online rn
  2. AUCTION END TIME IS DIFFERENT FOR EVERY INDIVIDUAL POKEMON Insta: 2m buy all Min Raise: 50k Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollars Rare Candy (7k ea) CC (420k) RR Ticket (550k) Nature RR (250k) Master ball (50k) Preview 400k(for ea) start price (not a bundle) 250k(for ea) start price (not a bundle) 150k(for ea) start price (not a bundle)
  3. I would like to buy this ty
  4. +1
  5. Can't we use two different devices? Because after merge it only restricts to open more than one acc on same device right..?
  6. I already messaged you on discord pls check
  7. Congratulations !! You won the auction Pm me in-game or state whenever you are free
  8. Trade done Can now be closed
  9. Congratulations !! You won bundle 2 I'm in game rn you can /pm me Gutkashooter
  10. Bundle Auction Start Price: 200k Point: 48hrs after first bid (individual start for each bundle) Min Raise: 50k pokedollars End Time: End Time Contact Discord: xexockier/xylos In-game: gutkashooter Accepted Payments Pokedollars Rare Candy (6.5k ea) Nature RR (260k ea) IV RR (520k ea) Coin Capsule (400k ea) Master ball (60k ea) *NOTE: 15min rule applies* for example; if a bid is made in the final 15 mins the auction will be delayed another 15 mins until the last bid is held for 15 mins Preview
  11. Bundle Auction Point: 48hrs after first bid (individual start for each bundle) Min Raise: 50k pokedollars Contact Discord: xexockier/xylos In-game: gutkashooter Accepted Payments Pokedollars Rare Candy (6.5k ea) Nature RR (260k ea) IV RR (520k ea) Coin Capsule (400k ea) Master ball (60k ea) *NOTE: 15min rule applies* for example; if a bid is made in the final 15 mins the auction will be delayed another 15 mins until the last bid is held for 15 mins Previews Bundle 1 s/o 400k End Time Bundle 2 s/o 300k End Time
  12. I can come online rn if you are there
  13. @Fleurdelishey, I won where to meet
  14. @Benvirisbackcongratulations you won GENGAR with a bid of 400k @Jiviteshcongratulations you won ROTOM-W with a bid of 600k Tell me when we can trade
  15. I was busy due to some irl work so don't got time to check out . @SzymonxhI can hop on anytime from now to next 5-6 hours or dm me on discord we can talk there also Thank you
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