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Everything posted by Carbz

  1. @Gonx2 hi! Congrats you won the 31/31 jolly gible. I’ll reach out in game to compete the deal!
  2. c.o 1.4m yeahdn1995
  3. @Namanh 3 days after 1st bid so on Thursday at 7:48 pm PST.
  4. @Merepapa noted, ty for the offer
  5. @Blaggy noted - thank you for the offer
  6. S.O. = 200k each Min. Raise = 100K each Not a Bundle, No Insta Starts after first bid 3-day Auction Accept CC = 380K SOLD S.O. = 50k Min. Raise = 50K No Insta Starts after first bid 3-day Auction
  7. @Idreetzz I'll be online tonight if you're available
  8. @Woshishui Congrats! You won the 26/31 beldum. Please let me know when you’re online and available.
  9. 2 hours 30 minutes left for 26/31 beldum
  10. @Idreetzz Congrats you won the 31/30 Beldum. Let me know when you're available online!
  11. c.o 26 atk beldum 300k
  12. S.O. = 250k Min. Raise = 50K No Insta Starts after first bid 3-day Auction Accept CC = 380K S.O. = 250k Min. Raise = 50K No Insta Starts after first bid 3-day Auction Accept CC = 380K
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