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Everything posted by Aryaman123

  1. 550k
  2. hey im online if you are ready to trade.
  3. 1m and 50k for Aerodactyl
  4. s.o. 80k Min bid 10k accept pokedollars and cc ends in 12 hrs after 1st bid
  5. 195k slowpoke
  6. 170k slowpoke
  7. 130k Slowbro 60 K Clefairy
  8. 110k slowpoke Start clefairy
  9. 90k slowpoke
  10. Slowpoke 70k
  11. s.o. 400k minimum bid 50k accepted modes of payment: pokedollars cc=400k ivy rr=500k. The auction ends 6 hours after the1st bid. 15 min rule.
  12. hey bro i am online and want to buy my ralts
  13. hey bro i am online please contact me i will pay and get the ralts. I do not remeber your username and the Zncholo username is offline currently
  14. Ralts 250k
  15. Will a rare candy leveled up pokemon have worse stats than a battle leveled up pokemon?
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