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Str8juggz's Achievements



  1. Successful Kanto
  2. Hey! Yeah thats possible. You got discord? If so add iboogz so we can discuss the cost and other things
  3. Were open again boys
  4. Dear staff, Im 95% sure its meant to be like this and im just tripping however I just started a battle with a raikou and threw one fast ball at it. It procceeded to break out and use roar once. The battle ended immediatley. Is this a bug? Am I not able to catch it any more? Do I have to fight Nikola for it to respawn? Best wishes, Str8juggz
  5. Successfull story service
  6. Hey you guys. Theres a small line atm yall gna have to wait im slightly busy
  7. Succsessful 4 reigions+subway+teleport
  8. successful all 4 reigions. Person wished to stay anonymous.
  9. Hey! Add me on discord. We'll speak more there iboogz.
  10. I dont have a request. Dont forget the full stop. Or whats yours?
  11. Yeah sure! Dm me on discord for more details
  12. Sup! What do you need done?
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