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  1. Went to trade evo my Xmas gurdurr it became locked so I want it back thx in advance
  2. Bump
  3. Had a issue where I was gonna evolve my Xmas gurdurr via trade with a player with the tag (Amaralis) and I didn't not receive my Pokemon back due to them saying that it became region locked hopefully that's what the issue was but I would like it back thanks in advance
  4. 31/30 grass other is dragon
  5. 200k ea larvesta ends 24 hr after start no insta 200k start for shrooms ends 24 hr after start no insta 50k raise
  6. It's a mistake it was supposed to be a lend do I contact them to get them back or can they be returned? I must not have noticed but I was helping him do the elite 4.. I remember that was the lend I was was talking about because he said he finished quite quickly
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