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Everything posted by Infernokyh

  1. i hope there's available pro wiki apk version xd. to make more simply for seeing the guide/smth
  2. 250k
  3. START : 100k each Min Bid : 50k Insta : N/A End : 24 hrs after first bid Payment : > Pokedollar > CC : 400k
  4. clefable and staraptor sold to @Manikandaravi and slowbro sold to @Losmatador pls dm me in game ^^
  5. srry i didnt get it. do u mean 600k all? (200k each)?
  6. All poke s.o 100k, min bid 50k insta : N/A Auction end 2d after first bid each poke Payment : cc : 410k pokedollar
  7. i have an account, already got 5 badge in kanto region. and looking for story service until sinnoh. please tell me your price and lets make a deal
  8. bump, 3 hrs left
  9. Auction start : 2m Min bid : 200k Payment : cc : 400k, pokedollar End : 1day after first bid insta : N/A
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