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  1. NOT A BUNDLE Start price: 100k each Min bid: 50k Insta price: Scyther 4.5m Larvesta 4m Accept payments: cc 450k ea, rr 480k each, nrr 240k each, rc 5k each Auction end time: Jan 22th 16:30 p.m. GMT+0 https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/6518840/24-scytherhp-ice-larvesta-timer
  2. sry Subroza u late,it is over 17mins, ty for offer cya
  3. trade done
  4. Ferro trades done, lycanroc 24hrs left
  5. Pm me when u online ty
  6. NOT A BUNDLE Start price: 100k each Min bid: 50k Insta price: Ferro 3.5m Lycanroc 9m Accept payments: cc 450k ea, rr 480k each, nrr 240k each, rc 5k each Auction end time: Jan. 17th 16:30 p.m. GMT+0 https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/6489225/427ferrolycanroc-timer
  7. All trades done, can closed, ty everyone
  8. Insta by fec
  9. 2.4m and 2.5m
  10. 2.2m and 2.3m
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