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  1. Nikzn69

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. Nikzn69 2. 230h 3. Proud servant of god bidoof! 4. 23 very active since i found PRO, loving hunting and trading, also looking forward into pvp
  2. the bidding is now over gabrielchahwan won the auction 400k
  3. Hello everyone and welcome to my auction! (User: Nikzn69 (silver)) Auction details - Start price: 100k - Start point: Now - End point: 6hours after this auction is posted - Insta Price: N/A - Minimum Raise: 10k - Accepted Payments: Pokedollars Important Reminders - This auction is taken place on the silver server - Every offer will be noted down and posted right away on this post Happy bidding
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