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Trade Moderator
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Everything posted by Doakes

  1. Hi @Ash14122003 In the future please avoid overbumping your thread. You are allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours. Replying with the time remaining, counts as bumping your thread as well .
  2. Hi @Lieshanyen @Proloy the trade has been forced.
  3. Hi @Poopsmagoops In the future please wait for a Trade Moderator to respond before you do something like this again, even if it may take some time. What you did, did end up being acceptable, but that is just an off chance that it managed to be. @Kaywats32 In the future when bidding you MUST have the means to follow through with your bid at the time of placing the bid and throughout. You do not currently possess 2 cc (or the ability to buy with coins), thus your bid is deemed invalid. Even if you planned to buy coins once the auction had ended, you must have them at the time of bidding. This post serves as a waring to you. Please read our Auction Rules and General Trade Rules for a better understanding of PROs trade related rules.
  4. Hi @Yukihirasouma1 @Bivash11 The trade has been forced.
  5. Hi @Bivash11 unfortunately you were the victim of false bidding. The auction will be offer upto the runner up and it is their decision if they want to fulfil it or not. I will give a reasonable time of 48 hours from now for a response. @Yukihirasouma1 If you wish to follow through please let @Bivash11 know and if you do carry out the trade. IF they dont @Bivash11 you are free to do what you want with the goodra, but for now please do not do anything with it.
  6. Hi @Kombu, unfortunately you were the victim of false bidding. In this case there is two option. The first of which is that this auction can be voided, this is due to the big jump in price from 2m to 4m. The second option is that if you are ok with 2m, the auction can be offered upto @Vinier and they have the option to fulfil this bid or not.
  7. Hi @Pokimane17 as there was no set and defined price for your alternative payment of Coin Capsule (CC), I have removed them from the list of payments, as the auction has already started.
  8. Hi this is the correct outcome. Please meet up with @1cloudz to carry out the rest of the trades.
  9. Hi @Alexitof @Yoo1992 The trade has been forced.
  10. Hi @Lebram31, @Ruthlessslayer has won the auction for 850k. The auction was started on 10/03/25 at 04:43 PM GMT+0, with a 48 hour duration after this starting point, giving an end point of 12/03/25 at 04:43 PM. The last bid before this time was by @Bucksireus on 12/03/25 at 04:42 PM. This extends the auction duration by 15 minutes, allowing the 850k bid made at 04:49 PM. This again extends the auction by 15 minutes, giving an end point of 05:04 PM. As no more bds were made during this time, the auction ends with @Ruthlessslayer being the winner for 850k. @Bucksireus All auctions rules apply whilst carrying out an auction, so this rule below applies whether stated or not.
  11. Hi @Killzone4355 You cannot withdraw/rescind your bid. Once you place a valid bid, you must follow through with it. I have hidden your post and you remain as the current offer, with in the case of you winning, you must transfer or arrange the trade with the auctioneer @Mozambi.
  12. Hi @Tokiee You have ended your auction 24 hours early. The duration was 72 hours, after start bid, which was on 07/03/25 at 09:53 Am GMT+0. This would give an end time of 10/03/25 at 09:53 AM. You however ended the auction on 09/03/25 at 09:53 AM (24 hours before the original end time stated). @Paulk @Tokiee The trade has been forced. @Tokiee 1 leftovers has been added to you inventory from the metagross
  13. Hi @Elfmanusui @Lieshanyen The trade has been forced
  14. Hi @Gamexnoob @Nofuture The trade has been forced.
  15. Hi @Prohunter10 Bids are valid to the MINUTE, not seconds. The auction was extended at 12:45:00 (see the spoiler for Screenshots of the time). This gives an ending of 13:00:00. But as bids are valid to the Minute and not the second, the latest you could bid would be 12:59:59. With your bid at 13:00:XX it is then invalid. For the above and below Extra example XX refers to here any time in the seconds of 1-59. As we cannot see seconds i have put this to just infer any time of 17:59 for example. For the below in brackets i will also put an example in seconds, although these cant be seen on forums may help visualize and understand it better Extra exampe Auction End point is 18:00:00 A bid was received at 17:59:XX ( Example - 17:59:30) Extended auction, new end point of 18:14:00 Last bid that can be accepted will be 18:13:59 - As seconds cant be seen here this just means any time of 18:13 is the valid, but once it reaches 18:14 it is then NOT valid. I hope this answers your question @Prohunter10 feel free to dm if you still dont understand and ill try my best to explain
  16. Hi @B0t @Financebro the trade has been forced
  17. Hi @Aacorn the reason for your confusion is likely to be the location you are currently in. Several places that use Day Light Savings had come into effect, which shifted the time forward by one hour. This gives the perception that the acution was over, but still had one hour remaining. I hope this answers your question, feel free to dm if it doesnt.
  18. Hi @Vuxuan0123 you will have to transfer the metang, as that is what server @Georgeguo2006 is on. I cannot Force this trade until this has happened, or you two come to an agreement As well as this you may only run 1 cross server auction at a time @Vuxuan0123 once you have done the above or come to an agreement with @Georgeguo2006 in relation to transferring feel free to report this post and ask for a force trade if you still cannot meet up. If you transfer with alts etc and require a force trade, please mention this in the report.
  19. Hi @Fedivl The winner of the auction is @Viscabarcaa with 17m. All times used will be in GMT+0. The auction has a duration of "48hrs after first offer". The first bid was placed on 08/03/25 at 12:52 PM. This gives an end time of 10/03/25 at 12:52PM. Once an auction has 15 minutes before it ends, all bids placed during this time will extend the auction a further 15 minutes, until a full 15 minutes has passed with no bids inbetween. In this case a bid was received on (Note all dates here are 10/08/25) 12:44 PM, this extended the end time to 12:59. A bid was then received at 12:45, extending the end point to exactly 13:00. The next bid was at 13:00 and is thus invalid. Hope this clears up any confusion @Fedivl. Please meet up with @Viscabarcaa to carry out the trade for 17m.
  20. Hi @Yuukinaa@Rostovripper The trade has been forced. @Yuukinaa In the future please be more clear when auctioning your pokes. When auctioning more than one pokemon in a thread, it should be clearly identified that these are either individual auctions, or a bundle. Your auction duration should be more clear. In this case for 24 hours auction, this could be changed to 24 hours after starting offer is met, 24 hours after this threads creation, etc. In this case i have given you both the benefit here.
  21. Hi @Alphomega please avoid overbumping your thread. You are allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours. Replying with "Up" or the hours remaining, counts as bumping your thread.
  22. Hi @Lebram31 @Pjoterr The trade has been Forced. @Lebram31 The scyther trade has been forced as well.
  23. Hi @Zeskyr please avoid overbumping your thread. You are allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours. Replying with noted counts as bumping your thread.
  24. Hi @Lieshanyen The trade has been forced
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