What is your IGN?
What is your discord?
Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm a 34 year old Invesment banker that has always has competed in every game I've played in. I used to play both WoW and Dota2 professionally for both Team Liquid and Complexity.
I play Pokemon TCG , achieving Arceus rank on PTCG every season and have hit master ball rank in Scarlet/Violet and Sword and Shield.
How many hours do you currently have?
142 hours. I've cleared all regions and have started collecting all the megastones I want.
Do you know any existing members?
I don't.
Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)?
I haven't. I just started playing PRO from PokeMMO
What are your expectations for this guild?
To Join a fun skillful community that I can learn from and grow with.
What You are looking for from the guild?
To learn the ins and outs of PRO and to have a good time with good people
What other games do you play online?
Pokemon TCG Live/ World of Warcraft/ PRO . My job is pretty demanding so most of my leisure time is spent on PRO
What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you?
Its a toss up between Machamp and Mimikyu. Machamp because I always thought he looked cool when I first played pokemon (Pokemon Red Version, like I said Im old heh)
Mimiykyu becuase disguise is OP and generally punishes/sweeps teams that don't prepare for it.
In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild.
I'm a friendly player thats active and learns quickly
If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)?
My favorite team right now is my rain team , on pokemon showdown, I tend to run stall or unorthodox teams to counter current meta.