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Everything posted by Kabuza

  1. i enter and leave pokecenter some times and now she appeared!!
  2. hi! @epither im with the same problem but i alredy got the mega bracelete
  3. hey , i try to add you but insted i remove you from my friend list xd, add me wen you come online
  4. you are online now ?
  5. @Blugilz
  6. @Blugilz won! congratulations and thanks for all who participated!!
  7. @Blugilz
  8. ...
  9. @Rozerw
  10. 1h 30 minutes left...
  11. bump
  12. 50hrs left
  13. bump
  14. SOLD : 150k min bid : 10k end: 72hrs after start
  15. im online now! add me henry
  16. the time is alredy over. im waiting to trade
  17. 400k bravar
  18. 300k bravary
  19. 260k bravyary
  20. i will transfer now to your server
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