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Everything posted by Zignek

  1. [AUCTION] Halloween Ralts BEST OFFERT 4.5m by Heolom1 Starting Bid : 800k Minimum Bid : 100k No insta Auction Ends 24h After First Bid Payments Coin Capsule : 450k each Pokedollars
  3. Welcome to my store, I will try to have low prices to good pokes. Enjoy the offers Contact : Discord : Daveroadless#6942 / Daveroadless PRO: zignek Rules Fake offers will be reported Prices are negotiable if you buy more than one Offer cannot be withdrawn Send me a private message (DISCORD daveroadless ) with the image of the pokemon TRAINED EV´s UNTRAINED EV´s
  4. ohhh sorry sorry , I didn't know that, thanks for the modification
  5. [AUCTION] Greninja BB Battle Bond Hasty . HP DRAGON Starting Bid : 500k Minimum Bid : 100k No insta Auction Ends 48h After First Bid Payments Coin Capsule : 400k each Pokedollars
  7. Congrats I will send you a message SnowBolt
  8. [AUCTION] Greninja Hasty 30spd-26spatk HP FIRE Battle Bond WINNER SnowBolt Starting Bid : 1m Minimum Bid : 200k No insta Auction Ends 48h After First Bid Payments Coin Capsule : 400k each Pokedollars
  9. WTB Bold/calm Regenerator Amoonguss/foongus h.a EPIC
  10. Exzxay winner, 3m!! Add me, Zignek, im in vermillion :3
  11. Winner Mawile Kdhaliwal0 by 1.6m I will send you a message in the game, congrats!
  12. WINNER, I will send you a message in the game
  13. Start Mawile 800k User Jnnnn
  14. User: Newkidintown : 2.6 M
  15. EASTER MAWILE + TOGEPI Min bid: 100K No insta Accept CC 400K End in: 24 hours after first bid Kdhaliwal0: 1.6m MAWILE WINNER END : 27/06/2024 21:09 pm GTM-6 https://hora.mx/GMT-6 Kauaxblack : WINNER TOGEPI 700K END : 27/06/2024 19:18 pm GTM-6 https://hora.mx/GMT-6
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