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  1. Chroma for Valentines day Dragonite Line EDIT: im not sure why my dragonite looks so much bigger but its definitely 128x128 as specified in the rules. I present, Love Letter Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite Valentine Dragonite Love Letter Dragonite Valentine Dragonair Love Letter Dragonair Valentine Dratini Love Letter Dratini Im probably going to have to make a back sprite for dratini from scratch but im tired so ill do it tomorrow or later. Stay tuned for more submissions. Comments and Tips appreciated.
  2. Question 1: does the chroma have to use the same base art/stance/generation as the form/original? Question 2: Do we need to provide the "follow you around" sprites as well? and if so where do find the base ones? Question 3: How is the art contest winners decided? I apologize if its posted somewhere and I missed it! Thanks for the help! - ausdark
  3. Well once I can figure out how to fully complete its set hopefully it can get added to the game!
  4. Hello, I recently decided I wanted to make some forms to see if I could submit them to add them to the game, I will attach the forms I have made so far and update as I make them. but I dont know where to get the rest of the sprites to complete their sets. I guess I need the ones that appear when the pokemon follows you around so if anyone can guide me to this that would be awesome. Also if there is a place to actually submit forms to the team that is not here pls let me know. Thank you, ausdark Valentine Dragonite Floatzel Akatsuki X-Mas Butterfree
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