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  1. I want that hydraeigon
  2. Wtb medicham 3
  3. Carvahna 50k
  4. Shroomish,jangmo-o,braviary----50k each
  5. 27/27 GIBLE 100k I will buy 27/27 GIBLE and 27/24 fletchling if you do 180k for both
  6. itsdone for 3.6m
  7. Pokemon/Item being auctioned: Starting price/point:1m Ending point:Exact time/Duration:24 hrs from first bid(+5:30) Insta Price: 10m Available payments: f.e. Pokedollars+CC(410k) Minimum raise: 100k contact me:- in game name:-Gohketchum
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