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  1. Hello everyone, new trainer here, going by the name Slvh in-game. Had my account made back in 2020-2021 I believe with a few friends, but we all stopped very early, however I decided to get back into it, staying for the long ride. I've played pokemon for a few years and have been a big fan of fangames in specific, which ended up leading me towards finding PRO, so I'm very thankful for that. Very important, my favourite pokemon is Espeon, a true little cutie . I love everything about it, from it's type, to it's hidden ability, to it's design. Has been a staple in every single team of mine, along with Milotic. Also, what I believe is an underrated opinion, I equally love it's shiny colour as well as it's base, which is why you see my post format changing between the two with every paragraph (sorry if it hurts your eyes). That's about it from me, feel free to talk to me on discord (KAMI is the display name, chidaki is the username). Other than that, hope you take care of me, much love o7.
  2. Hellooouw, throwing my own little application, hoping I get accepted Player IGN - Slvh Number of hours - 21 hours Favourite Pokemon - Espeon I'm from Portugal and I'm 24 years old Playing on Gold If you'd find it easier to talk to me (to invite to the guild, not quite sure how it works), send me a message on discord, username is "chidaki", display name being "KAMI". I'm in the PRO discord.
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