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Everything posted by Coqui

  1. 60k dunsparce :Grin:
  2. Re: ArceusKnights[Guilds Hispana/Latina] <r>una guild muy divertida y activa, siempre hay sorteos, eventos y batallas. la recomiendo n.n<br/> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  3. same problem here. before the new update was working on my samsung tab 4... with problems, but i could play at least u_u
  4. Coqui


    Muy útil! Gracias! :Grin:
  5. PRO Username: coqui Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? This problem was always. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried resetting the device to the factory settings, running the game without any other installed app and also tried disabling the option of weather in the game. Description and Message I have this problem with the game on Android, nearly the entire screen of my tablet looks black and is very uncomfortable, sometimes it stops responding too, particularly when I leave or enter in poke center or to another city. I have a Samsung tab 4, I think in the requirements for the game goes well. I wonder if it can be fixed or if it has happened to others same thing. Thanks in advance, and excuse my bad English.[/i] :thanks:
  6. hiiiiiii :Grin:
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