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Everything posted by Exodus2

  1. 150k for the scizor
  2. hello , my ign is Exodus2 so yesterday I was doing my boss run of kanto and jhoto and before the boss run I had around 1M pokedollars. After defeating around 12-14 bosses I had 1.5M pokedollars only 2 bosses were left(bugsy and bruno). So, today morning i woke up and was about to go and defeat them suddenly my pokedollars dropped to 1.2M idk why this happened. can you please check my trade log?
  3. What's your IGN? Exodus2 Discord IGN : Meowheeeee222(meowheeee) ● How old are you? 22 ● Where are you from? Bangladesh ● What's your total playtime? 301hr ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Hunting and Playing with friends spending time with boss ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I do my ev training service whenever Im free also level up service Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? -Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof? I would have to say that Suidoof is the form I like the most!
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