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Everything posted by Abbixx1

  1. @Tgbnamishcheck the other forum sir
  2. this was a mistake sr
  3. @Jigglypuffsalotwow tysm dude you at the game rn?
  4. weavile s.o 500k min bid 50k insta - 1m lucario s.o 500k min bid - 50k insta 1.1m auction ends in 72h after the first bid
  5. weavile s.o 500k min bid 50k insta - 1m lucario s.o 500k min bid - 50k insta 1.1m auction ends in 72h after the first bid
  6. S.O 500K Minimum bid 50k insta - 1.5M auction ends in 72 hours after the first bid Good luck
  7. mind buying the shinny charizard mount?
  8. bump
  9. sold to : Dyates04
  10. bump
  11. bump
  12. first bid
  13. starting price 150K minimum bid - 50K insta-499K ends in 48 hours after the first bid starts
  14. starting price 300K minimum bid - 100K insta-1M timing starts after the first bid ( 72 )
  15. starting price 80K minimum bid 2K 120K insta auction in pm or forum
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