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Everything posted by Usokang2

  1. @RudiyasCongratulations for winning the slowpoke auction
  2. Start price:200k Min bid:50k Insta: 1.5M End: 48 hours after first bid Accept pay: Pokedollar, CC=480k
  3. Congratulations @Yuuto19 for winning the Gengar auction
  4. Start: 250k Min bid: 50k Insta: 1.2M 48 hours after the first bid Accept pay: Pokedollar, CC=480k
  5. wtb hw rapidash
  6. @Username123456 After 2 hours if you don't answer I will cancel your win
  7. Start:140k Min bid: 20k Insta: 500k End: https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=17:00:00&date=2025-01-22T20:36:30&onzero=2&title=Tanggrowth&sound=xylophone&loop=1
  8. start Machop
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