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  1. thank you so much! I read that it couldn't be recovered so I thought I had lost it. Solved! thank you
  2. hi, i followed the guide to finish johto on the forum and it said i had to fight joey with a rattata at level 80. unfortunately this mission is no longer there and i didn't know it so i talked to the hoenn traveler who took me there directly without giving me the option to not accept, so i lost the exp share that was on my pokemon. what can i do? thanks
  3. hi, i followed the guide to finish johto on the forum and it said i had to fight joey with a rattata at level 80. unfortunately this mission is no longer there and i didn't know it so i talked to the hoenn traveler who took me there directly without giving me the option to not accept, so i lost the exp share that was on my pokemon. what can i do? thanks
  4. I wrote on the appropriate post but nobody answers...
  5. Server Gold i traded kadabra with a player but he didn't realize it was from another region and now it's stuck on his pc. my username Theonlyash14 and him Cr72012teamo EDIT: Pokemon recovered - Kimew
  6. hello guys, i traded kadabra with a player but he didn't realize it was from another region and now it's stuck on his pc. how can i get it back?
  7. hi, how much could i sell it for? thanks
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