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Everything posted by Joksch96

  1. 9hrs left
  2. .
  3. start offer: 100k min bid: 30k Length: 24hrs after s.o Insta: 1m
  4. Yes you won will be on in approx 30mins
  5. 13hrs left ending time 10:46 am 14.11.2024 MEZ
  6. Start offer: 100k min bid: 30k Length: 36 hours after s.o Accept CC=400k
  7. Start offer: 100k min bid: 20k Length: 48hours after s.o
  8. .
  9. .
  10. Congratulations @Mikyang You won hit me up ingame
  11. 7hrs left
  12. 30hrs Left
  13. Start offer: 500k Min Bid: 100k Length: 72hrs after s.o Accept CC =400k, If Bid is made in last 15mins auction will last 15mins longer GL and Happy Halloween Form hunting c.o 1.6m Ending Time 18:27 MEZ 06.11.24
  14. Pory 80k
  15. Pory 60k
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