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About Anhscus

  • Birthday 01/01/1996

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  • Career
    student in university
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  • Occupation
    student in university

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  1. I like that bad boy and like the way you give away. IGN: anhscus
  2. maybe that's about window" screen proted.." from you computer. let try to turn off it.. contral pannel->> system and security->>action center->>changes window smartsreen settings->> choose "don't do anything" goodluck!
  3. Anhscus

    Trade NPC

    it's a good idea. but, i don't agree with you. some days ago, i wanted to add dex some pkms from a player(i forget his name) then i asked him about kabutops, he said that he has kabutops but his kabutops's used for pvp(strong pkm with good iv). he doesn't want to help me. i told him i'm not a bad guy. finally, he gave kabutops to me and i gave it back to him. you can see, we add friends together after that. the important thing that how you make peoples feel the trust from you. the game will be more fun.
  4. i think that opening a shop guild.
  5. when sever reboot again that you can log in. this is a popular bug. wait some days and you will log in again. good luck
  6. because many people have played game for somedays. it's mean we have many newbies and it makes sever full
  7. this is 1st time i have seen game full like this. in the morning or night (not weekend). i also cann't log in now. i think it was effected by pokemon go. when people don't play game, so they search on website and they find out pokemon revolution online.
  8. Re: Everything messed up! <r>a agree with you. <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  9. it's cool in 3d but in my opinion i hope that PRO will be improved pkm's skill ingame...to be come more activity. it's really cool
  10. in my opinion, i dont have no idea but having a new region sinnoh or unova, it's better than nothing
  11. do you online in game ? Ty for the offer! Selling in 5 hours. Add me IG (zMartnn) are you online ingame ?
  12. so how long for the server to be rebooted or crash please ? well crashes are random, manual reboots are once a day, unless things such as massive lag happens, or when the server crashes in which they will reboot too. sadly no one knows that times these will happen, so being patient is the only thing anyone can do. unless you wish to make a 2nd account to play on the same server V Rules on accounts V 2 accounts per Email 2 email accounts per person thank you so much
  13. so how long for the server to be rebooted or crash please ?
  14. Description and Message PRO Username: nhoxkr23794 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? i'm search information on forum, read FAQ but not having something. What have you already tried to solve the problem? tried to log in, restart,.. but nothing Description and Message i think my account "stuck". when i logged in: you can see that...." user already logged in" athough not had somebody to logged in or nobody knows my account. please help me! :Frown: :Frown: :Frown:
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