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Everything posted by Heartbeeat

  1. I have the same problem with the Android version, it took me a lot of time to download the new client yesterday bc the link wasn't working, and now i can't play since the reboot on the blue server :Angry:
  2. Hi everyone, i've been trying to download the new client in mediafire (PRO95) but the download que never starts, when i hit the "Download" button the page just reload itself and nothing happens; i also tried to download other clients to see if it was just in android but i can't download other clients either like i have done in the past; i play with a Galaxy S5 if that helps..
  3. PRO Username: Heartbeeat Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing, i woke up this morning and found that Hoenn's out :) What have you already tried to solve the problem? I'm trying to download the new android client in mediafire (PRO95) but the download que never starts, the page just reloads itself and there is no sign of any download starting... something the page shows me the mesaage "if the download didn't start click here" (or something like that) then i do it but the download stll not starts! It's so frustrating, i want to see the area.. Description and Message Like i said before... i'm playing with a Galaxy S5 if that helps.
  4. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <t>Hello Roborn! I'm Bryan from the USA and i'm 20 years old :) i have 310h of gameplay and i already beated both leagues easily. I like strategy games like this and i enjoy beating people who though they would win with just brute force :) i would like to join for pvp, chat, and i also like to help people. My ID is Heartbeeat and my 5 fav pokes are: Darkrai, Arceus, Cobalion, Licario and Samurott; in that order. Oh, and speak english and spanish if that helps :)</t>
  5. 1. Hi, i'm Bryan and i am 20 years old; i'm looking for a serious active guild to join, mostly for fun, chat or pvp. I've playing Pokemon for like 3 years thanks to my best friend, i really like videogames and strategy games like this; i speak english and spanish :) I've been playing PRO for 300 hours exactly. I have just one shiny pkmn at the moment, i already sold the others. User: Heartbeeat ;)
  6. This last 2 days, training in Dragons Den (preparing for Jhoto E4, i'll beat them today), fishing Dragonair/Dratini and selling them for good money :)
  7. Go and watch Game of Thrones while it's offline
  8. Hi guys i have a problem and it is that when i try to learn headbut from the NPC with red hair in the Viridian Maze my character stops moving and the NPC doesn't even talk to me, i can still chat and everything else but i stop walking, i tried using a escape rope and when i'm at the pkmn center i can't move either, i tried this 2 times and my only solution is to restart my phone bc reloging doesn't work either, i just play on my phone and idk if this happens in pc to, can you fix this please? Or do i have to do something to fix this? My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S5 if it works for something...
  9. 1. Arceus 2. Darkrai 3. Samurott 4. Zekrom 5. Cobalion/Lucario
  10. 1. Arceus 2. Lucario 3. Samurott 4. Zekrom 5. Cobalion
  11. I can help you out, i have the same problem but i still can't find a dragon scale, add my id is Heartbeeat (Blue Server)
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