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Everything posted by Shadowstryder

  1. And also. did you give the account to anyone else?
  2. And also. did you give the account to anyone else?
  3. How long did you try between logging in? I mean, have you tried logging in after the server have restarted or crashed because then it might have kicked the "you" of it.
  4. How long did you try between logging in? I mean, have you tried logging in after the server have restarted or crashed because then it might have kicked the "you" of it.
  5. :y: :Exclam:
  6. Okay, first of all, I'm not here to help, because I'm just a noob. But, COME ON! Seriously, why would you name your self "I F*** You"....WHY?
  7. When I got up there, the man said "Hey, this place is too scary for a little kid like you", how do you solve that? Thanks for the guide BTW :Heart:
  8. Because at the moment, the servers are on "time out", no one can get on it sadly :Frown:
  9. The servers are currently offline so that will be the reason you can't connect. And I think that makes the "not responding " error
  10. No I don't, but hopefully it will be on soon :y:
  11. The Red server is currently on time out, that's why everyone can't connect to it. :Light: Try using this web page for the server status: https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/
  12. Thanks for this :Heart:
  13. Nice Pikachu, I would but, just on my 3rd badge :Angry:
  14. Feel like I created it with ShadowSkill but I'm not good enough for it...yet :Proud:
  15. Problem solved, kind of. XD After hours of walking around the forest, I found a pikachu! :Light: But it's still a bug that needs to be solved.
  16. Unfortunately I don't have any proof then otherwise :Shocked: Thanks anyways XD
  17. I had 6 pokes including the missing one, and I already checked in the PC(also on every page). The server didn't crash and the server didn't reboot until about 2 hours after I had the battle. :Cry: I can take a screenshot but, it wouldn't be an evidence because the poke is already gone. If there is another reason then tell me if you want a screenshot.
  18. I have recently went into a battle with my friend(and won XD). But after, I noticed that my, wild caught, pikachu was missing from my team, is there a way of getting him back? This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't waste 3 hours trying to find another one, and yet still not successful. :confused: My in-game name is Shadowstryder. (Blue Server) :thanks:
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