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Posts posted by Gilan

  1. I don't really care for this idea and here's why:


    1. Negative effect on the economy. Some players will want to battle their Pokemon at different levels. If you only need 1 Pokemon per species, then this limits potential buyers.

    2. Negative effect on tournaments. Players can always predetermine the type of battles they wish to participate in. If you're looking to test out a level 50 team, then look for a battle against level 50 competition. Funneling all battles toward level 50 would also minimize the amount of usable Pokemon.

    3. Negative effect on player-controlled daycares. Whether you're interested in it or not, player-controlled daycares will be a major aspect of this game. After you finish the storyline and additional quests, you really don't have any other reason to level Pokemon except to increase their trade value or to battle with them at higher levels. Daycares would essentially become obsolete--especially if some sort of daycare function is ever implemented which requires the maximum amount of obtainable badges.


    Suggestions are always welcome; I just don't believe this would be in the best interest of the players.


    You're joking right?


    You do realize how tedious the game would be if it didn't scale pokemon back to 50? If you have competitive battles at 100, then players will have to grind hundreds of pokemon to level 100... That's a big no no if you actually want a competitive scene in this game.


    In my opinion this suggestion is an absolute must in the game.


    To address Pretentious even more directly:

    1. You need lots of pokemon per species, for one. Otherwise you get wrecked by scouting. So it really won't have a negative effect on the economy. In fact it's more positive than negative, as without a scale back, players will have to grind so much that they will stop playing the game, thus less buyers and sellers, and thus a worse economy.


    2. Wut? This will be a positive effect on tournaments so that more people can participate... Also, if you want to play level 50s but everyone else is playing level 100s... -.-


    3. I'm not really sure as to how the daycare will actually function, so I won't spend much time on this one.


    If you don't scale pokemon back to level 50, then you seriously hinder the competitive aspect of the game... It's honestly a deal breaker for me. I'm not going to make a level 50 and a level 100 of the same exact pokemon (nature, moves, and general IVs).

  2. Re: Team Wall Street


    <r><QUOTE author="SybilVain"><s>

    </s>I was about to fill out the application but I saw I'm already in the roster LOL. I feel special <3<br/>


    I love your organized, no-nonsense approach. I am so pumped for this game (and the team). And just in time, I'm on vacation all of August- probably gonna be nolifing on this game the whole month lmao<e>



    I'm right with ya. I can hardly wait!<br/>


    I'm also going in vacation for most of august, but unfortunately it will mean that I won't be able to play ;-;<br/>


    I hope the game comes out before that so I can make most of the first few days.</r>

  3. Re: Team Wall Street


    <r><QUOTE author="Austin"><s>

    </s><QUOTE author="Gilan"><s>
    </s><QUOTE author="Austin"><s>
    </s>oh, haha. My mistake ;) There was a guy with the ign oooAustinooo or something like that. Either way, I like you ;) (I live in Austin, Texas).<br/>


    Yeah, I'll be on a lot more when the permanent server goes live. Until then, I'll get on occasionally.<br/>




    also, thank you all for the good wishes you've been giving me!<e>



    Yea I will be on more when the game goes live too but I'm on now if you wanted to add me.<e>



    It's 1 AM right now =P and I haven't updated my client yet. Working on a map to showcase for my application as a mapper at the moment anyways.<br/>


    If you don't mind me asking, what timezone do you live in?<e>



    EST I just don't sleep much haha I'm one hour ahead of you if your central



    haha XD I gotcha. I actually plan to pull an all-nighter tonight =3</r>

  4. Re: Team Wall Street


    <r><QUOTE author="Austin"><s>

    </s>oh, haha. My mistake ;) There was a guy with the ign oooAustinooo or something like that. Either way, I like you ;) (I live in Austin, Texas).<br/>


    Yeah, I'll be on a lot more when the permanent server goes live. Until then, I'll get on occasionally.<br/>




    also, thank you all for the good wishes you've been giving me!<e>



    Yea I will be on more when the game goes live too but I'm on now if you wanted to add me.



    It's 1 AM right now =P and I haven't updated my client yet. Working on a map to showcase for my application as a mapper at the moment anyways.<br/>


    If you don't mind me asking, what timezone do you live in?</r>

  5. Re: Team Wall Street


    <r><QUOTE author="Austin"><s>

    </s><QUOTE author="Gilan"><s>
    </s><QUOTE author="Austin"><s>
    </s>IGN: Austin<br/>

    How Long Have You Played Pokemon Revolution: 2 days (just found out about this played Pokemmo before this.)<br/>

    How Well Do You Know Pokemon (do you know what the shiny rate is? Do you know what IVs are? etc.):Yes 1/8192 and ivs are Individual values and are randomized. I have been playing pokemon since the gameboy advance days.<br/>

    What is your Goal here at Pokemon Revolution: To be the richest and best shiny hunter out there . Also to make friends and have some fun.<br/>

    What do you hope to accomplish for the team: I hope to bring in lots of money and shinies for the team as well as help out when needed.<e>



    Yessir, you can join. I remember you from PokeMMO. You're on my friends list if I'm not mistaken.<e>



    prob not my ign on pokemmo was ShinyMedals couldn't use Austin, but thanks for letting me join once I can get on I will add you.<e>




    oh, haha. My mistake ;) There was a guy with the ign oooAustinooo or something like that. Either way, I like you ;) (I live in Austin, Texas).<br/>


    Yeah, I'll be on a lot more when the permanent server goes live. Until then, I'll get on occasionally.<br/>




    also, thank you all for the good wishes you've been giving me!</r>

  6. Re: Team Wall Street


    <r><QUOTE author="Austin"><s>

    </s>IGN: Austin<br/>

    How Long Have You Played Pokemon Revolution: 2 days (just found out about this played Pokemmo before this.)<br/>

    How Well Do You Know Pokemon (do you know what the shiny rate is? Do you know what IVs are? etc.):Yes 1/8192 and ivs are Individual values and are randomized. I have been playing pokemon since the gameboy advance days.<br/>

    What is your Goal here at Pokemon Revolution: To be the richest and best shiny hunter out there . Also to make friends and have some fun.<br/>

    What do you hope to accomplish for the team: I hope to bring in lots of money and shinies for the team as well as help out when needed.<e>



    Yessir, you can join. I remember you from PokeMMO. You're on my friends list if I'm not mistaken.</r>

  7. Considering the mechanics of the move fly's overworld effect.


    First, you need to ask yourself: "What is the main draw of a Pokemon Game online?"

    The answer to that is: "The people".


    Player to player interaction is a HUGE factor. But without fly readily available for all players, it hinders those players' ability to get together for clan events, trades, simple pvp battles, and more. In other words, by limiting fly so extensively you are in effect hindering one of the main draws of this game. That's what some call "bad synergy".


    So, think twice about how you handle the move Fly.

  8. Re: Team Wall Street


    <t>Thank you!<br/>



    I will be updating the OP to make it look nicer and fix some errors when I have the time.</t>

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