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About Shay3100

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  1. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <r><QUOTE author="Shabrina"><s> </e></QUOTE> i buy breloom</r>
  2. Nincada is one. You'll never be able to fight a Nincada as long as you do not have MS. I have 8000+ discovery, without MS all Nincada flee right away without any battle. At least they can be traded for fossils? And maybe vitamins, I forgot. But I do think 999 Fresh Water is still better than 999 Artifact Pieces. We can use Fresh Waters right away when needed, while fossils might still ends up having bad IVs meaning all that work, money, and time collecting the artifacts was for nothing. People might not like so much Fresh Waters.......but if they knew beforehand that this is what they got in exchange, maybe they'll prefer Fresh Water more? Also personally I like getting a bunch of vitamins. Really helps with EV training. Personally I think sites were at their best when the entrance costs 5k and artifact pieces are not introduced yet. When vitamins and fresh waters are common. Pretty much the only thing I really like from the new version, is the lack of Starly. Catching them is a pain when your catcher poke is Breloom.....hate all those Aerial Aces. If only their level is lower. Actually, I'm curious, is there ANYONE who like this newer Artifact version more than the Fresh Water version? It would be nice to hear their point of view. I like fresh water version, since site update i lost my mood to do it, im miss old site... Im with you guys, i used to do it every day even downloaded to my phone so I can do it while im at work but now its juat a waste of time. I liked fresh water, vitamins, repels etc..
  3. could you please fix that stupid weather bug? you cant know when sand storm/sunlight/rain is up when they switch during a battle and thats just stupid!
  4. Never be afraid of the dark XD
  5. is that possible to make TM names like the HM? like HM01 - CUT, TMO1- MEGA PUNCH, that would save alot of time.
  6. how to know the tier?
  7. it happened to me that i lost to someone, then when i entered we battled again, BUT i knew the team he had and he didnt change his play style so i won by the second time, if you mean with the same guy right away after you lose/win i recommend to change the game style a bit.
  8. i've been asking that too lmao maybe the buyer didnt online :Crazy: :Cool: i was waiting for him to replay my PM and tell me when we can meet, i just found him ingame :P
  9. i've been asking that too lmao
  10. my team was blissey/clef/milotic/ferro/machamp and sab. i just start with blissey with t-wave on togekiss then attack it, for snorlax again t-wave then i switch to ferro doing leech seed and so on :P
  11. Re: Uhm oh its a mandibuzz and look its for sale(edited c.o 4m 10 hours run) <r><QUOTE author="bellcranel68"><s> </e></QUOTE> im in game, where are you?</r>
  12. Re: Uhm oh its a mandibuzz and look its for sale(edited c.o 4m 10 hours run) <t>i think time is over sir, when can we meet?</t>
  13. To be honest, I rarely use the forums when I'm on my mobile too since it only works every 5th or 6th try. I heard that clearing your phone's cache has fixed it for other users though this hasn't worked for me. Same, it didnt work for me either. Since i dont want to lose another auction (will be out when time ends) i must use my phone to login xD
  14. Usually this will only happen when you are using Chrome or your phone's default browser. Try using Firefox since that seems to fix the issue for most people. yea im using chrome with my phone, not gonna download firefox, would like it to get fixed, it was working fine in the past.
  15. like tittle says, i can barely check topic and replay with my phone, forum is wired there, using nexus x5.
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