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About Lentz

  • Birthday 08/13/1995

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Lentz's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. I have a suggestion. Please edit your post to a regular font size, I literally can't read it.
  2. I think it'd be cool with either Mamoswine/Stantler
  3. Because I said so.
  4. Finally! Someone that gets it!
  5. That would be awesome, but it's the kind of thing that would put a heavy load on the server. Imagine 1500 people typing /save at the same time.
  6. I don't know where you got this information but it is false. Shane is not around this week because of a personal matter and he would have to be around for auction house. Auction house would also need a client update iirc. Please unless the information comes from a staff member directly don't believe it to be true.
  7. Lentz


    As a former staff member I can tell you a few of these are being worked on, I won't say which though.
  8. Lentz

    IV Training

    I don't see this being implemented for almost the same reasons as breeding. 1. Max IV pokemon would become very common 2. Anyone could have a great HR pokemon. 3. (Different reason.)This was not in any of the handhelds.
  9. Lentz

    Buff UI

    Quite honestly I feel the last thing the game needs is more clutter on the screen.
  10. I'm just going to be blunt. As a player. I would love to be able to name my pokemon. As a former staff member I see a decent community, but the fact they still constantly have to ban people for bad names is bad. Nicknaming would be great, but I really don't see it as a possibility. You never know what the future can hold.
  11. Idk why you keep referring to me as "Yourselves" I am one person non-staff. And I didn't think explaining that this is the community that made the staff want 5o take away caps would be considered toxic.
  12. Even if there were a way to name pokemon I'm sure it would be revoked. You must remember this is the same community that made it necessary to remove the option of caps.
  13. Lentz

    Battle animations!

    Gif images aren't supported.
  14. There is literally no feasible way to look at this.
  15. Lol everyone complains so much about a free game.
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