There are planning to put all 6th generation Pokemon in this game, and a lot of them are already obtainable. It's a lot easier to make 2d Pokemon 6th gen sprites because you can just take an official picture of that Pokemon, shrink it, and then put pixels over it to match the rest of the Pokemon. My argument was that there are already 2d perspective pictures of most of the region that they can reference. Examples:
So, to me, Kalos is easier to make than Orange Archepelago and Orre because they don't have images like this to reference. But idk, I'm satisfied with the amount of regions already and I'm impressed that they want to make so many as it is.
It isn't as easy as it sounds. For example in picture one the houses are not facing the right way as the game is in 3d. Most of the map right now is a direct rip from the game and it will be too much effort to manually get the house sprite And plan it all out. Sure it is not impossible to do it but right now they have not release the regions before the 6th generation so chill :Shy: it will soon come.