I sell it only if the offer is enought, but I don't know how much I want, so I don't have a time limit... Sorry if you don't like it.
You can contact me ingame if you prefere.
I have same for 3 boss, do not give present, 10day between 2 try -___- 2 week lost...
How to do : "Not do, or wait stabilse server..."
"when or what is stabile server ?"
"when hoenn is finish"
"when hoenn is finish ?"
"we can't say, just wait, do nothing, do do boss or quest"
Please, you have to forseen when the server go crash and do not complaint on the forum.
Check the invisibible-imaginary bouton who say "stabile server or not", and please do no care about bug which make lost you more money than you have or much time wasted. We are beta player, we can't speak about bug or problems and ask a refund even if we donate money.
Please, stop that complaint !