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Posts posted by Illegal

  1. PRO Username: Illegal

    Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

    On which server issue happened: BLUE


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    -I have an epic <evee> (need to be an Flareon), I train it full ev, it is the most expensive pokemon I have (arround x10 my cash). I'm leveling up it, so it want evolve after each fight into Umbreon <= no, no, no no no no etc...


    - A friend ask to me to trade his hunter (for have a gengar), so I have to trade my evee to reset hapiness : good deal, we did it, and re-trade to have our own pokemon (evee for me, hunter for him).


    - I haven't close the evolution windows for hunter between the 2 trades, and AFTER the second (when I have evee, not hunter) I clic on "yes" for hunter>gengar BUT... evee > Jolteon ?! What ?! -___-


    - I cry, and come here.


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?

    I look my screen : bag is closed, thunder stone is not used, evee is... dead.



    I know the staff don't want to unevolved a pokemon, same if its a unknown bug, so I'm disgusted...


    (Sorry I already have post in an other topic, but I think it's here I have to post...)


    Description and Message

    1) epic evee trade for reset hapyness / trade hunter for evolved into gengar

    2) re trade for come back evee/hunter to their trainers

    3) clic on windows evolution for the pokemon who don't have in your team (fake windows)

    4) check your pokemon => it evolved without item, into a pokemon you dont need, go delete it ?! :Ambivalent:


    :Nervous: :Shocked:


    What can I do else crying and hating this wold ? ^^'.... I've lost half my account in one second with one bug.

  2. Re: [Dangerous] Evolution dubble-trade bug (evee)


    <r>Thank you Sunmer... :x<br/>

    Henceforth I know that I have ruined myself for nothing ^^'..... :(<br/>


    I knew an other dangerous evolution bug :<br/>


    1) you have a synchronise in first, a lvl 99 in second (why not)<br/>

    2) a fight with switching give xp for the 2 pokemons<br/>

    3) they all 2 want to evolve<br/>

    4) you clic on "yes" for the synchro<br/>

    5) now, you can delete your level 100 <=== not evolved, cant evolve later.<br/>


    But this bug was knew, not that one which kiledl my love <E>:Frown:</E></r>

  3. How to lost your epic Flareon ? Beta story n°1282 :


    1) Take a friend who ask you trade haunter (for evolve into gengar)


    2) Give him your epic <Evee> trained since 1 week to reset his hapiness (cause we cant forbide evolution with item, cause a missclic is possible, because evee want evolve after EACH fight... )


    3) Don't clic on "yes" when you take Haunter (do not steal evolution to your friend)


    4) Re-trade the 2 pokemons, yours to you, his back to him.


    5) Clic on yes to evolve gengar (not on your team) to close window ====> ITS MAGIIIIIIIC !!!! You lost all your money, your time, your mind and you have a.... Jolteon ?!!!!!! Why ?! oO Why not Mewto ?!


    6) Check you team to verify, Yes, you have a joleon WITHOUT using thunder stone, WITHOUT accepting his evolution.


    So cool no ?


    Maybe can be used for other pokemon, maybe we can evolve Electabuzz or Magmar without item like I lost my pokemon ?!

    I dont know... Now everything is possible.

    :Nervous: :Frown: :n:

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