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Riverbaby's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. For sale, Will trade for a good h.a talonflame. Bidding ends 13/10/2016
  2. Bump, added instant
  3. Gona auction him , Auction will run for 3 days or until i am satisfied with price. I reserve the right to not sell if i am not happy with the price. Thanks. Instant 1m
  4. Solution for gothitelle: Sucker punch/knock off problem solved
  5. Make polls to vote for these things, compile a list of pokemon people are arguing to be banned and then poll it for a certain time peroid. Also before you start banning pokemon, add a sleep clause and OHKO clause etc, and pvp items. Also gothitelle and speed boost blaziken shouldn't be banned, as they're the only checks to certain teams.
  6. Sold to luxfuit for 550k
  7. WTS just make me a offer, want it gone fast.
  8. Riverbaby

    15 Second timer?

    What's the 15 second timer about? Literally just searches for 15 seconds now and then times out. Makes it impossible to find a game.
  9. Gona auction this guy until 09/06/2016 3 days from now also selling for 700K
  10. Re: Snar & Cleri Co. [update 2/6] <t>Hey mate how much for the hippodown?</t>
  11. Support from someone who is at "End game" and primarily plays to PVP, Rewards would give more people incentive to PVP resulting in a broader amount of people to fight, as the current system has you fighting the same 5 opponents due to lack of popularity(Speaking on behalf of the blue server).
  12. Sold sorry guys
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