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About Mamika

  • Birthday 08/28/1994

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  1. Mamika

    PRO Wiki.

    Nice c;
  2. Will we ever be able to Redue how our characters look? I made mine in Alpha...And Im really not liking the hair I picked :I
  3. :Nervous:
  4. I think this is a great idea personally (:
  5. Ty ^^ I will Admit I miss my tester powers x'D not used to actually walking around everywhere >~>...But yeah thats good to hear the game is going good i always wanted a bright future for it (:
  6. So I been gone for a year now ;D Or so give or take w.e Hows the game been doing? Im recently coming back to it...I was on for about 10min...For some reason i didn't have my water mount anymore even though it still showed it in my quick bar No biggie i guess..xD but yeah hows the game held up?
  7. Hello hope you enjoy ^^
  8. Fixed thank you ^^
  9. No..They dont have a recharacter customize in the settings...
  10. Just asking because I already spent membership on this account so I can't just make a new account
  11. I was wondering if i could have my character reset...Because I was trying to skip through the intro....and now i have no hair and ummm my character is a guy :l I didnt make any progress whats so ever...
  12. Hello a couple players came up to me asking about a bug they cant get passed the snorelax even though they have the PokeFlute. The error says "[ERROR: function "if" not found or has not 1 parameters!] I don't have a SS of the snorelax but I have a SS of where it should be. Since i already passed through it
  13. Me and Akira found a bug with the npc here in route 15. After you enter the NPC's view point it wouldn't allow us to enter other fields.
  14. You can jump onto this tree and you end up getting stuck in it on Route 15:
  15. In Celadon City on the left side of the map you can walk right on top of the fountain:
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