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Everything posted by Foreverbog

  1. S.O: 250k, Min bid: 50k, Insta: 2m, Countdown Link 24h after the first bid, the 15-minute rule applies, C.O: 150k, Min bid: 50k, Insta: 1m, Countdown Link 24h after the first bid, the 15-minute rule applies, S.O: 50k, Min bid: 10k, Insta: No, Countdown: (TBA) 24h after the first bid, the 15-minute rule applies,
  2. @Innerfocus there is no transaction that needs to be made , the s.o for pangoro is 600k , i suppose he offered 100k or smth, + i dont even speak his language so i dont know what does that mean, there is no transaction needed to be done, since the bid did not respected the rules of my auction. the topic can be closed ! Thank you
  3. BOSS READY XMAS XATU s.o: 80k min bid: 10k insta: 200k 24hr after start s.o: 120k min bid: 10k insta 250k 24hr after start
  4. S.O: 20k Insta: 150k Min Bid: 10k 24h after S.O 50k SOLD: Or looking for offers !
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