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Everything posted by Alvarmeister

  1. Update with Good Starly.
  2. I want to buy a epic scyther and eevee adamant :D
  3. Hi guys i sell this pokemon. Only Cash
  4. i have absol lvl 100 with ev trained
  5. Hi i want to sell this Frillish. https://www.smogon.com/dex/bw/pokemon/jellicent/ Good nature and good ivs in Def / HP.
  6. If u take pikachu u cant take this pokeball. Only can take hidden pokemon if u take Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander. Squirtle -> Bellsprout. Bulbasaur -> Growlithe. Charmander -> Horsea
  7. II've never seen that problem, Can you explain in more detail your problem?
  8. What is your problem exact? U can put any picture?
  9. When i dodged the guards and down the stairs and the following message and sends me to the room where the elevator was the key https://gyazo.com/e7c2704334859d669e9fc0b90c014aae I need help :S
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