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Posts posted by An1ma

  1. Re: AERODACTYL! An1ma vs P3L4o & Basilisgountis


    <r><QUOTE author="Vithu" post_id="488326" time="1514641387" user_id="1486622"><s>


    I love your videos, they are fun to watch :)




    thank you so much <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>

  2. zip


    The pokes does not synergize together.


    Nice to see a stallbreaker team that can do NOTHING to a clefable.


    Not making use of speed (ev points) makes you exceptionally week to any team that doesn thave 6 mons with very low speed. A lot of repeat roles, repeat types. A lot of the pokes on the team accomplish the same goal(beat the same mons) you don't have many options to play with, can't reach very far outside of the one purpose it's suposed to beat.


    It's the kind of team that will be 5% of the teams you meet in pro very hard, and insta loose to all other teams that isn't played by a dog.


    Forretress also extremely bad hazard control poke. as it is the only one on the team as well it can't get a whole lot done. Can't get opponents rocks off the field or prevent opponents rocks from going up in the first place. no taunter, can't do nothing vs a jellicent, no magic bouncer. opponent will basicly have hazard control vs you any single game when you are using this team which is EXTREMELY bad concidering you also are running a dragonite.

  3. so on showdown and on nintendo when u switch in ur poke to suicide in order to get in a free switch to something it normally shows the enemies attack


    that can actually :b:e rly helpful and gamechanging especially since choice items now also here oui oui


    so my suggestion is to just make it say "this pokimon used this move" -> "the move missed" or whatever. just making sure the info translate over like it also do in REAL pokimon yes wud be nice yes i like

  4. hi babe you hydreigon and amoonguss looks nice :Heart:


    wish you best of luck on your joerney out in the real world. it can :b:e bery cold out there but whenever you are near death and scared for ur life just rememba goddes is ther in ur heart to keep u warm so u can get through all the pain that you will recieve. you might not survive but i guess we will have to find out im sure u can do it if u beliebe hard hard hard hard hard hard hard enough very hard on a scale from 1 to 10 its very hard. freindship and love will always succed, but you have no friends so RIP, i kid maybe you have a cute dog idk tell me about it tho. Marc, my favorite sub. I fucking love money. Thanks for the motivation u send me on paypal it inspire me to wake up every day and have fun. what would i even do without you, idk. an1ma hopes you find a new journey with a lot of money and egirls. Happy easter, see you on sunday bai :Heart: :boot:


    Smartest: Prehax

    Friendliest: Onkar

    Funniest: Mehmetcan

    Coolest: xRevolutionx94

    Comeback Player of the Year: TheAkalli

    Most Talkative: Gongon

    Most Trustworthy: Burdy

    Most Helpful: Tr3y

    Most Missed (who parted from PRO this year but hasn't returned): Gambilicious

    Most Influential (good or bad, who made the biggest impact on the community this year): Sugarred9

    Most Intriguing (who manages to capture your attention for some weird/unique reason): CobraMK


    Good luck everyone! :Angel:

    • Like 1
  6. I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving, but I wish you the best of luck in the future! :Smile:


    My favorite pokemon is excadrill and tangrowth / I want to win cuz im poor af xD / i wish for everybody to be happy at christmas :Angel:

  7. Re: KILLING STALL 101 /w An1ma [sAND]


    <r><QUOTE author="ProDex" post_id="476136" time="1512457324" user_id="1421555"><s>


    <QUOTE author="An1ma" post_id="476124" time="1512454608" user_id="710537"><s>


    sand team <E>:Angel:</E> <br/>


    <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content="





    How can your exca outspeed weavile without sand o_o




    he used Revenge for his fighting move as you can see on the tyranitar, knock off wouldn't kill. Revenge has -4 priority</r>

  8. I was using Cloyster in PvP


    I know for a fact that the Garchomp was Rough Skin cause it hurt my Dragonite with it.


    I killed Garchomp with Ice Shard and I guess it's death might have prevented the Rough Skin. Atm I noticed that Deaths prevents moves like Stealth Rocks, healing moves and more. But in this case I knocked out a Rouch Skin Chomp and took 0 dmg.


    Then I killed a Cofagrigus in the same battle right after and I know him out with one Icicle Spear and I was not affected by his ability and continued to kill his entire line up with 5 hits every single time.

  9. Har so recently some screenshots of me takling about staff has somehow been leaked. Just wanna say it does not speak for how i feel about All staff. There Are just a few People that happen to be staff that rly hate me with a passion and thats ok,but when i get unfairly treated it just get the worst out of me. So big sorry if you happen to be offended and it didnt involve you. Love you All have a Nice Day thx for reading <3

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