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Everything posted by Gambilicious

  1. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <r>man we sure had a nice influx of new members the last few days <E>:y:</E> <br/> <br/> <br/> Welcome to all of you and lets keep rolling!</r>
  2. trying to get a discount on 5 dollar.. smh P.S. our economy is fked up enough alrdy, no need to complicate it even more
  3. Re: Hide and Seek event!!!(choejms) <t>gl with your further life mate!<br/> <br/> may you achieve what you aspire :)</t>
  4. I would buy all if you want 2.9 m pokedallar XD, not gonna rmt tho
  5. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <r><QUOTE author="Jiggy"><s> </e></QUOTE> pmed you mate!</r>
  6. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <r><QUOTE author="redblaze1997"><s> </e></QUOTE> we talked alrdy :P<br/> <br/> <br/> Also, since we placed 9th in the guild ladder, every1 in our guild gets <B><s></s>25% Bonus EXP<e></e></B></r>
  7. I still cant understand, how most of you fail to see this basic economic principle..
  8. thanks tho mate, it sure looks good :y:
  9. pvp ladder reset and guild and player rewards
  10. need 2, msg me here or ingame :)
  11. well @ which rating are you?? most of the teams at top carry skarm/ferro+srock setter.. even if ur mons are all srock resistant, you will get massacred by skarm phazing ur whole team around hazards (spikes+srock)... if you pretend to go serious, hazard removal is necessary.. you just need to know when to get it in and u won't lose momentum it really depends on what team your running and if you have good spatkers, skar shouldnt be a prob. at the end tho, you have to decide foryourself what your playstyle is and what pokemon out of the pvp-pool you like. You could also run unorthodox pokemon, but cheese only works thaat much, so running common pvp pokemon could make it easier to climb. Also expirience is probably the most important thing, so dont expect too much when you just start pvping, cause it always takes a little time to get used to it. Goodluck tho mate!
  12. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>bump :)</t>
  13. see i caught mew, i nearly have the requirements for celebi but you know what? Alot of players just dont like this side of the game and iam pretty sure ignoring their voice or telling them to keep shush, thats the worst approach you can take. There are ppl who soley play this game for pvp due to their competitive mindset. So hunting, finishing quests and finishing the dex might not be their top priority. AGAIN iam clearly not saying that the staff is at fault, but i feel like iam just talking to a wall here. Also you guys make it seem like i want all the pvp items implemented by tmr 8 am and that iam some "ungrateful kid", but my only prob right now is the weird information limbo we are in regarding shane and the staff exodus and 0 info about PVP. Iam not the only person with these "issues" uhh, I wasn't even replaying to you. The op is asking for more content, therefore my reply was "you didn't even finish all the content we have right now". That's all. fml didnt see prehaxs first post and thought another guy is trying to call me out, since iam slightly off the grateful train. Sorry for assuming mate :P
  14. see i caught mew, i nearly have the requirements for celebi but you know what? Alot of players just dont like this side of the game and iam pretty sure ignoring their voice or telling them to keep shush, thats the worst approach you can take. There are ppl who soley play this game for pvp due to their competitive mindset. So hunting, finishing quests and finishing the dex might not be their top priority. AGAIN iam clearly not saying that the staff is at fault, but i feel like iam just talking to a wall here.
  15. dont ask for an update or any info jaccard, ppl are just going to call you an ugrateful impatient brat
  16. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=53543 if you didnt notice, Thor activated the clone event again, updated boss fights so we can choose rewards after a certain amount of wins without loosing and he gave us the highly requested Boss Time check will happen asap, probably this weekend ___________________ you need to relax and let them do their job and maybe before posting anything, just check the forum out lol iam pretty sure i was relaxed the whole time and iam even relaxing right now and but that doesnt mean i cant even ask whats going on. Also there is no way that iam gonna check out every single post and even the posts you linked have vague messages. Also when i talk about the future of this game, personally and i know others are concerned with pvp stuff than about casual clone/halloween stuff, but yeh i am willing to give you that. About the last point : Can you give me a source for that or this gonna be some season 5 "solo q is gonna come any moment" kinda bs, because every day iam hearing " prolly gonna come out soon" and then i hear stuff about its gonna take longer than expected. Iam just asking for a little clarity for everyones sake. P.S. I know staff are humans and to be honest they are the least at fault here and iam not trying to disrespect them and i also know it takes time to get stuff done, but it still doesnt change the fact, that we are/we were kept in the dark for quite some time now.
  17. i dont want to press the matter, but its kinda time to drop some status updates on shane, the whole staff story, pvp reset and the game in general. Most of us were patient enough, but iam pretty sure alot of ppl want to know, how the future of this game is looking and if its worth to keep investing time into this game..
  18. Re: Insta Big's Shop update16/11/16 garchomp add <t>i want the garchomp and the ada kabuto</t>
  19. :thanks: for you comments chameleon It is also the goal to lower prices, I see not how its bad if the shinys are cheaper in the game? (Knowing that the commons are not worth much already) And as I said before, 1 chance in 2000 is still rare, we will not see any difference given the few players active at the moment (and the rarest who agrees to pay a medallion) After that is my opinion, but I do not think you'll see the 'Channel Trade' spammer of Dratini Shinys. ^^ I didn't think about how many people would buy the "shiny stone" so my 1st post is quite inaccurate. Apologies for that. On the other hand, I don't believe "lowering the prices" always means "good". More shinies will indeed end up decreasing the values of Pokemon and anything farmable, but this also means decreasing the value of the time you put into this game. And (if I'm not wrong) this would also increase the prices of non-farmable items such as MS Medalion. I may be wrong here, but my explanation is below. Before the increased shiny chance: I can grind 500k. An epic Raticate costs 50k. After the increased shiny chance: I can still grind 500k. An epic Raticate now costs 25k. Raticate is farmable as you know. So the value of farming a Pokemon is decreased. The player can buy the same Pokemon in each case, but would have more money in their pocket in the 2nd scenario. And this is why I think non farmable items would increase in price. Because I can save more money on farmable items/Pokemon in game. And this results in IRL money having a lot of impact on the game. Your suggestion might not have an impact this severe, but this, imo, is what sort of an effect it would have. Correct me if I'm not thinking right. I mean i get your point, but if you think bigger than raticat, rarer pok are going for 1mill+ and alot of players dont buy shinies since pvp pokemon cost alot aswell. By reducing the "price" you would also get more consumers and ppl who are grinding 500k now could be in theory able the afford pokemon, that would have been valued at 1m before the item came out. Also dont forget the effect of incentives, ppl would be more willing to buy shinies, if the prices for decent ones would not be that astronomical, which could also clean out our economy problem in the long run. Another option i guess is, that you could make the shiny item a npc item, this way you could regulate the price and also make it a "money sink". Take all of this with a grain of salt tho, since iam no expert in shiny matters :P
  20. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>To the top!</t>
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